Why we decided to offer Pinterest coaching:
At Novo-Media we decided not to create any “standard” courses that we would simply offer to anyone who contacts us. We believe every client is different and has different needs and knowledge. Thus, it seemed obvious that it we wanted to provide quality we had to prepare hand-tailored presentations and courses for every single project.
Patricia contacted us because she wanted to get started with Pinterest. She liked the idea of getting to know a new social platform but had stricly no knowledge about it beforehand. We were thrilled to prepare a detailed introduction course for her and give her all the tools she needed to get started on Pinterest.
Pinterest: A social network that should not be ignored in your online presence
Pinterest tends to be less often mentioned in the media than Facebook or Instagram. Nevertheless, this social network is steadily growing. For the users it is the perfect place to find inspiration and organize their ideas and projects by topics.
For professionals, Pinterest is a real opportunity that should not be missed out! It’s a great way to present one’s services or products in a visual way and attract quality trafic to its website.
Our experience with Pinterest:
We opened our Pinterest account back in 2012, meaning in the almost beginning of the platform. But as we were lacking time and, we have to admit, motivation, we kind of dropped it after a couple months. We did not delete our account, but we simply left it fully unactive for more than 4 years.
It is only in April 2017 that we decided to take Pinterest a bit more seriously again. We took this decision after attending a very inspiring conference held by Lucie Aidar (she runs the blog Voyages et Vagabondages and is a Pinterest expert). When we started again to use our account after more than 4 years of inactivity, Pinterest was bringing us something aroung 20 to 30 monthly visits… let’s say nothing.
We started trying out different strategies. Some were quite successful, while others totally failed. Over the months we started to have a better understanding of the platform and after analyzing and monitoring our results over several months we started to have a proper “strategy”.
Not even a year later our monthly trafic went from 20-30 to over 4500! Did we spend all our time on this? The answer is clearly no! No achieve this result we did not spend more than 30 to 60 minutes a week on this and did not invest a single $… Needless to say that the effort to result ratio is way better than with other social networks.
Over the last 3 months, Pinterest represented 3 times mores trafic to our site than Facebook, Instagram and Twitter combined!
The Coaching’s goals
- Give a general platform overview and present its main features
- Help the client to get started: if desired we’ll assist you to create a pro account, enriched pins, etc.
- Account structure presentation: What are the info that need to be filled out? How to create boards? How to create board sections? How to setup your rotative showcase? What about secret boards? account options you should know? All these questions will be answered and we’ll come to the meeting with a set of board themes matching your niche and if you want we can help you brainstorm for more.
- Pin creation: We’ll give you previous advice on how to create beautiful and engaging pins. The dimensions, online tools to help you with design, where to find license free images, etc.
- Pinterest SEO: Pinterest is a social network, but it is as well a place where people come to look for inspiration and thus there is a search function. If we say search, this means there is some SEO to be dons as well. We’ll give us all our tips on how to optimize your content on Pinterest.
- Getting known: We’ll suggest several ways to increase your visibility on the platform
- How to integrate this new channel on your existing platforms?
- Tailwind: Boost you productivity thanks to online tools (optional and a bit more advanced)
- Understand and analyze your results: We’ll show you how to interpret and measure your progression using Google Analytics and Pinterest Analytics.
All info provided is nothing “magic” and can most likely be found online, but having this coaching will save you A LOT of time and you’ll be able to ask all your questions. In the case we don’t have an answer… well we’ll make one up! 😉 No, no worries, if we don’t know we’ll always let you know and make sure we research on the topic throughoutly and give you a detailed answer later.
The advantages of having a Pinterest Coaching:
- A 100% personalized solution
- A unique opportunity for you to ask ANY question
- Within these 4 hours we’ll cover a large amount of conten. By the end of the coaching you will most likely not be a “Pinterest ninja” yet but you will for sure feel confident starting your account and you’ll have all cards in hand to develop your channel.
Our offer in details
Before we meet
- We get in touch and we define your objectives together
- We then create a presentation which will be 100% adjusted to your needs
- We set a date and a time at your convenience
The Coaching itself
- We come to your place (or the location you choose)
- We will come with a 100% personalized presentation based on your needs
- Coaching duration: 4 hours
- You can ask questions at any point during the presentation. The coaching is not meant to be a monolog on our side, the idea here is really that we guide you through a topic while answering all questions that come up to your mind “en-route”.
- At the end of the presentation we will give you a PDF document sumarizing all the info covered during the presentation including a set of useful links / ressources.
You work with a team? You wish to get together with other service providers and share the costs of a course? Do not hesitate to ask for a 100% personalized group coaching (coaching available in French, German and English).
Rate: 160 CHF per person for 4 hours of personalized coaching (min. 3 participants).
Are you interested in having a private coaching? Please do not hesitate to contact us, we’ll discuss your exact needs together and we’ll make you an offer.